The actual original Tarot may be forever lost to antiquity, never to be re-discovered. But in the Tarot De Marseille (shown below) we have a venerable esoteric tool that remains close enough to the anonymous original to retain a wealth of mystical power and meaning.
Certainly, the modern Tarots, including the popular Rider-Waite deck, have departed far from the purity and fidelity of much older decks like the Visconti and the Marseille. With their symbolic patterns for the Minor Arcana, the older decks retain a purity and richness of symbolism that the simplistic illustrations of the modern decks cannot hope to approach. The four Tarot Minors shown below in their Marseille and Rider-Waite versions differ widely in meaning. Each Marseille card on the left can be interpreted according to a consistent Tarot numerology, as expounded in this article. Its Rider-Waite equivalent on the right dispenses with numerology and esoteric tarot symbology altogether, replacing them with a fantasy of the latter-day re-designer/re-illustrator.
This article attempts to show how rich and deep is the authentic symbolism of the Marseille ‘pip’ cards of the Minor Arcana, as expounded by Alejandro Jodorowsky. For the complete teaching, see his major Tarot book, ‘The Way of Tarot’, published 2004.
The system used by Jodorowski for interpreting the Minor Arcana relies upon understanding the integral nature of the Tarot as a whole. Both the Minor and the Major Arcana embody the same principles at each stage, or degree, of a consistent, decimal numerology.
With this understanding, the 40 ‘pip’ cards of the Minor Arcana reveal a wealth and depth of meaning and additionally, serve as a textbook guide for navigating life. The ‘pip’ cards are organized via four suits and the digits 1 to 10. Both the first and second ten cards of the 22 Major Arcana and the ten levels each of the four suits embody the same base-10 spiritual numerology. This is of paramount importance in understanding Jodorowski’s conception. It is a conception that is extremely well-reasoned, with abundant evidence to be found in the cards themselves, the cards that is, of the older decks.
In the case of the modern decks, such as the Rider-Waite (1909), very much alternative symbolism from different systems and traditions has been mixed in. The original Tarot symbolism thus becomes watered down or distorted by association with grafted-on concepts from the Kabbalah, Astrology, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Egyptian Mystery Schools and other schools of occultism such as The Golden Dawn. On top of this, we have the fantasies and idiosyncracies of the modern illustrators themselves. All of this non-Tarot baggage overlays the cards to produce an attractive, intriguing oracle, perhaps, but one far removed from the esoteric quality of the older, more traditional Tarot.
Let us get back to basic Tarot as evidenced in the Tarot De Marseille of Grimaud, dated 1748 and 1930, and in the Tarot De Marseille, restored by Jodorowsky and Camoin in 1997. The following details and principles are applicable to both the Grimaud and Jodorowsky decks.
The four suits are Wands, Swords, Cups and Coins. Each suit stands for one of the four main areas of life. Their keywords are
Wands: Actions, movement, creativity
Swords: Thoughts, decisions, intellect
Cups: Emotions, love, relating
Coins: Body, home, money.
Then we have the 10 cards in each suit, with each number representing a different stage or lesson in the repeating cycles of life. All the Aces in the Minor Arcana stand for potential, readiness and vitality and corespond with the energy of The Magician, Arcanum 1 in the Major Arcana. All the 2s stand for preparation, gestation and accumulation and correspond with Arcanum 2, The High Priestess. All the 3s stand for creativity, fertility, expression and bursting forth. They correspond with Arcanum 3, The Empress. All the 4s stand for order, stability, protection and organisation. The 4s correspond with Arcanum 4, The Emperor. All the 5s stand for expansion, innovation and exploration. They correspond with Arcanum 5, The Pope. All the 6s stand for attraction, union, beauty and pleasure. They correspond with Arcanum 6, The Lover. All the 7s stand for action in the world and benevolent purpose. They correspond with Arcanum 7, The Chariot. All the 8s stand for balance, harmony and passive perfection. They correspond with Arcanum 8, Justice. All the 9s stand for transition, decline and withdrawal. They correspond with Arcanum 9, The Hermit. Finally, all the 10s can be given the keywords realization, complete, inert or transcended. The 10s correspond with Arcanum 10, The Wheel of Fortune.
Using the above scheme and by combining each number with each suit, we acquire a logical range of meanings of each of the 40 numbered cards in the Tarot Minor Arcana. Various possible meanings of the 40 cards are given below in such a way as to be easily memorized for use in giving readings with the cards. This stucture of meaning also serves as a philosophically sound and simple guide for living our life.
The Tarot shows life as a process, a series of organic stages of development. Our projects, relationships and we ourselves, grow along lines similar to a plant. A plant has its entire life cycle held in potential at the beginning stage, the seed stage. This is represented by Degree 1 of The Tarot, Arcanum No. 1, The Magician and by the Aces of the Minor Arcana. In this state of unmanifest energy, all remains to be done, experienced or accomplished. The Tarot breaks this down into four different areas known as the four suits: Wands, Swords, Cups and Coins. These four suits also engender each other, in that order. What we can learn from them at Degree 1 are four basic aspects of our creative potential:-
Ace of Wands: The awakening of creative energy, a feeling of arousal, of desire to move, a keenness to work or play
Ace of Swords: The sense of intellectual stimulation, wanting to explore knowledge, having ideas or inspiration swirling inside ready to be expressed
Ace of Cups: Feeling full of a love ready to pour into the world, having desire to socialize, befriend, or relate
Ace of Coins: Having a garden of some sort – material energy which is there to be cultivated, whether our land, home, body, material assets or business.
The seed of life – everything in potential – represented by the Aces, germinates in darkness at Degree 2 of the Tarot. This is Arcanum No. 2, The High Priestess, who corresponds with the 2s of the Minor Arcana. They teach that there is a time for quiet preparation, for solitary accumulation or gestation. During such times we are able to replenish and gather our strength, our desires and ideas, in preparation for the first leap into action. The more receptive we are, the more we shall accumulate, in the different ways suggested by the four suits:-
2 of Wands
: Relaxation and pottering around, preparatory training or exercises, skills development, performance rehearsal
2 of Swords
: Sleeping on a problem, waiting for new insight, doing preparatory research, allowing time for reflection or data-collection
2 of Cups: Developing friendly relations but as yet only acquaintanceship, politeness, diplomatic reserve, deepening of feelings held within
2 of Coins
: Physical rest and good sleep, saving money, forming new muscles, pregnancy, basic self-nurturing.
After preparing ourselves in isolation, it’s time for raw, explosive action, equivalent to a seed sprouting. Having rehearsed, it’s time to perform. Or having been interacting via social media, its time to physically meet someone. This is Degree 3 in the Tarot, represented by Arcanum No. 3, The Empress, and by the 3s of the Minor Arcana. The energy is erupting for the first time, without prior experience or specific purpose. It is a joyful release and the first active step, suggested by the various 3s as:-
3 of Wands
: Living spontaneously or acting on impulse without a pre-established plan, physical release after resting, starting a job or journey
3 of Swords
: Initial presentation of new ideas, turning imagination or research into a first draft, speculative opening of conversation, garrulous speech
3 of Cups:
First meeting with a new lover, socializing and lively encounters, making new friends, uninhibited emotional expression
3 of Coins
: Making a purchase or a sale, an initial investment, starting production or manufacture, reaping early gains, conception or birth of a child.
Degree 4 is Arcanum No. 4, The Emperor, and the 4s of the Minor Arcana. This is the stage of a seed having grown into a plant. The plant is firmly rooted in the earth and remaining stable so as to engender further growth at the next, 5th stage. Even existing stability depends upon constant flow, renewal or replenishment. With this proviso, 4s represent being anchored in the material world, comfortable with surrounding laws and conditions. We are well-organised and grounded, healthy in body and spirit. Tarot 4 energy thus protects us, our loved ones and what belongs to us. The four suits show us the four cornerstones of material stability:-
4 of Wands:
Having a routine, working steadily, persevering with a job or project, using a methodical approach to creativity, regular habits of action
4 of Swords
: Exercise of logic, systematic or analytical thought processes, planning ahead, having a policy, being conservative or constant in views and opinions
4 of Cups:
Bonding with others in family, team or group, religious solidarity, mutual trust and care, feelings of safety and calm, emotions kept well-controlled
4 of Coins
: Maintenance of security, staying healthy and strong, keeping a well-ordered house or stock of material possessions, financial stability.
The provisional stability of Degree 4 inevitably gives way as it grows beyond itself. Degree 5 then, can be likened to a plant at the transitional stage of creating a bud. Thus a way is opened for reaching into a new realm. The Pope, Arcanum No. 5, points his finger towards Heaven. He infuses his students with a new ideal. He serves as a bridge or mediator between their realm of Earthy stability, the lower Degrees up to Degree 4, and the higher, Heavenly realm of Degrees 6 through 9. The four suits variously represent this stage in our daily affairs of opening up to horizons beyond the familiar, material and rational:-
5 of Wands
: Go further afield with projects and journeys, constructively take risks, experiment with new practices beyond the tried and tested, seek new experience to satisfy desire or temptation
5 of Swords:
Be open-minded and willing to countenance new theories, ideas or beliefs, investigate and do research, think outside the box, take studies to a new level, seek out new knowledge
5 of Cups:
Feel excitement, be romantic and adventurous with dating and courting, explore your feelings in the company of lover or friends, become passionate about a spiritual path or an article of faith
5 of Coins
: Be enterprising in commercial ventures, use new products or technologies, innovate, stretch yourself in physical achievement, branch out from the base of operations, refurbish or redesign familiar territory.
Degree 6 in Tarot numerology is the stage of the bud in Degree 5 blossoming into a beautiful flower. In Arcanum No. 6, The Lover, we have a group scene open to any number of interpretations. What remains clear though, is the interplay of emotions being outwardly expressed. The context is one of doing, having or getting what one loves, enjoys or desires. To what are we attracted? With whom or what do we feel passionately at union with? This preoccupation with beauty and enjoyment manifests itself in the four suits of Degree 6 as:-
6 of Wands: Find creative outlets in movement, performance, pleasurable work, do what you love and love what you do, be playful or graceful, enjoy fun and games and activities in nature
6 of Swords: Cultivate the intellectual or artistic appreciation of beauty, find pleasure in thinking or reading in solitude, enjoy meetings for discussing or hearing ideas
6 of Cups: Enjoy a mutually devoted friendship or family connection, cultivate love and affection in romance, be happy in the company of a kindred spirit or soulmate
6 of Coins: Enjoy physical pleasure associated with comfort and luxury, care for your personal image and style, cultivate a beautiful home, appreciate fine clothing, cooking, gardens or anything available to the senses.
Action in the world is at its most powerful and benevolent in Degree 7 of the Tarot, equivalent to a flower on a plant shedding its petals and opening up into a delicious fruit. Arcanum 7 represents this stage as The Chariot pulled by strong horses and steered by a purposeful driver. All the 7s of the Minor Arcana likewise indicate strong, dynamic and benevolent action in the world. Spirit and matter are united so as to act powerfully in loving ways. Instead of being cathartic and explosive as at Degree 3, action is now mature and focussed. The four suits show this as:-
7 of Wands: Flying high in one’s career, working hard at a project for the general good, leading the way and inspiring others, doing the right thing and achieving success
7 of Swords: Doing writing, teaching or lecturing based on intelligent research and learning, putting intellect at service to the world, making intelligent decisions, thinking analytically or very creatively
7 of Cups: Serving others rather than oneself, acting in humanitarian ways, being a dispenser of loving kindness, thriving in relationship, creating joy and good feelings all around
7 of Coins: Generating wealth for the good of all, maintaining a large estate or a strong athletic body, investing money wisely, running a business profitably and benevolently.
Degree 8 of the Tarot is equivalent to the maturity stage of a fruit. It graces the tree in full ripeness and perfection of growth. There is no longer any improvement possible, nothing to be added or taken away. In Arcanum No. 8, Justice, the woman with her sword and scales weighs up and balances actions with their consequences. Likewise, each of the four suits presents us with a different aspect of receptive perfection: magical concentration in the case of Wands, a heart full of love in the case of Cups, empty mind in the case of Swords, and material abundance in the case of Coins. Key concepts for each suit would include:
8 of Wands:
Perfect concentration for purity of action, egoless focus on the job at hand, effortless effort, being in a Taoist flow, divine timing and synchronicity
8 of Swords
: Emptying the mind through quiet time and meditation, being receptive to intuition, channelling higher intelligence
8 of Cups
: Being selfless and humble, considering the welfare of others, showing empathy and compassion, feeling gratitude and unconditional love
8 of Coins
: Living hygienically, tuning into nature, opening to abundance, being nourished by organic food, keeping healthy through holistic preventative medecine.
We saw at Degree 8 a plant having reached full maturity with the production of ripened fruit. The next and penultimate stage in the plant’s development is allowing the fruit to drop to the ground. This equates to Degree 9 in the Tarot, represented by Arcanum No. 9, The Hermit, and by the 9s of the Minor Arcana. At this stage there is major transition, with a whole cycle coming to an end. This is a natural and positive development but also a kind of crisis. Work on s new construction is on the way but as yet there can only be withdrawal, letting go, taking leave or bringing to an end an old project or situation. 9 in the four suits can therefore be interpreted as:
9 of Wands: the approaching end of a project or journey, work cannot continue much longer, a big effort being required in a win-or-lose situation, energy flagging after much toil, slowing down, streamlining of activity for nothing but success
9 of Swords: letting go of self-centred or out-moded concepts, re-evaluating theories or beliefs previously held true, doubts creeping in, having a re-think, nearing the end of a course of study
9 of Cups: letting go of personal love in favour of universal love, a relationship coming to an end, disappointment or sorrow, a natural period of mourning, emotional turmoil, feeling the need to socially withdraw and seek solitude
9 of Coins: reconstruction in progress, healing happening while the body incapacitated, imminent birth of a baby or some new material situation, moving house, getting ready to emigrate or re-locate, decluttering, winding up a business, a sale of property is going through.
The life cycle of a plant ends with transformation into a new cycle. A seed leaves the old plant and enters the ground. From this a new organism will start to grow, going through the whole process all over again. This stage of one cycle changing into another is represented by Degree 10 in The Tarot. At this stage there may be fulfilment, stasis and anticipation all at the same time. One cycle merges into another or there is a pause between the old and the new. Arcanum No. 10 the Wheel of Fortune, bears these implications and more. The 10s in the four suits carry a wide range of possible meanings, such as:
10 of Wands: a fully accomplished task, a journey or creative project is over pending the next one, a time limit for action has passed, a time of retirement has arrived, no further action is required
10 of Swords: pure thought merges with feeling, the viewpoint of another is taken into account, a compromise or agreement is reached, mind is transcended, there is a letting go of attachment to opinions or beliefs, a problem is solved, a course of study comes to an end
10 of Cups: a relationship has run its course, children of age have left home, a couple are separated by mutual agreement, a person is at peace being single, there are no feelings either way on a potentially emotive issue
10 of Coins: work of construction has finished, assets or finances have built up and remain to be put to creative use, a property is empty pending occupation, a machine is laid up or has fallen into disuse, someone is in between jobs, homes or paths of prosperity, a corpse, life of the spirit out of the body.
JULY 2017
Hello from Clemens!
Thank you for your appreciation of material on my destinyclemens website. More is on the way! My major project ‘The Tarot Guide to Star Trek’ is well underway and I shall be uploading it in due course. Look out in the meantime, for byte-sized chunks being posted soon. Star Trek, whether by serendipity, accident or divine intervention, is an amazing spiritual encyclopedia. And the key to unlocking it, the Tarot de Marseille correspondence to all 78 episodes, will be presented soon.
Live long & prosper!